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谭咏麟《二十年白金畅销金曲全记录》 [M4A][1.2G]

音乐区 歌颂者 4月前
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4-06 卡拉永远OK(Karaoke Forever)

4-07 你知我知(You Know I Know)

4-08 冷傲的化妆(Cold Makeup)

4-09 爱你到发狂(Love You Crazy)

4-10 千年埋葬(Millennium Burial)

4-11 暴风女神(Strom Queen)

4-12 痴心当玩偶(Silly Love)

4-13 傲骨(Pride)

4-14 世界停顿(World Stoped)

4-15 创造命运(Creating Destiny)

4-16 我心如雷(My Heart as Thunder)

1-01 情赁谁来定错对(Right and Wrong of the

1-02 情缘巴士站(Love in Bus Station)

1-03 爱多一次痛多一次(One More Love One More

1-04 再见亦是泪(See You Next Time with Te

1-05 讲不出再见(Can't Say Goodbye)

1-06 还我真情(Pay Back the True Love to

1-07 一首歌一个故事(Every Song Has a Story)

1-08 还是你懂得爱我(You Know to Love Me)

1-09 梦幻的笑容(Fantastic Smile)

1-10 我的生命我的爱(Our Lives Our Loves)

1-11 笑看人生(Laughing at Life)

1-12 情中情戏中戏(The Drama of Love)

1-13 一生中最爱(The Most Love of Life)

1-14 天地初开情已在(The Love Is Eternally)

1-15 令世界变得更暖(Make the World Getting

1-16 离不开的心(Inseparable Heart)

2-01 在乎(Care)

2-02 情人(Lover)

2-03 只有你(Only You)

2-04 Elaine

2-05 喜爱(Favor)

2-06 世外桃园(Paradise)

2-07 善心(Kindness)

2-08 俗世洪流(Mortal)

2-09 火美人(Fire Beauty)

2-10 一世风云(The Legend of a Life)

2-11 珍惜的珍惜(Care of Care)

2-12 再等几天(Wait More Days)

2-13 知道又如何(What Can We Do If We Know

2-14 肝胆相照(Treating Each Other with A

2-15 争气(Try to Win Credit For)

2-16 凌晨一吻(Morning Kiss)

3-01 水中花(Water Flower)

3-02 朋友(Friends)

3-03 小珊瑚(Little Coral)

3-04 迟来的春天(Late Spring)

3-05 雾之恋(Love of Misty)

3-06 柔柔河畔(Beautiful Riverbank)

3-07 雨夜的浪漫(Romantic Rainy Night)

3-08 曾经(Ever)

3-09 天边一隻雁(Swallows)

3-10 小风波(Trouble)

3-11 爱的逃兵(Escape of Love)

3-12 情是永远着迷(Love Is Misty)

3-13 雨丝情愁(Sadness of Rain)

3-14 Don't Say Goodbye

3-15 谁可改变(Who Could Changed)

3-16 相识非偶然(Fateful Encounter)

4-01 飞一般的遐想(Imagination)

4-02 捕风的汉子(Wind Catcher)

4-03 爱情陷阱(Love Trap)

4-04 夏日寒风(Summer Wind)

4-05 爵士怨曲(Sad Jazz)

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